St Wilfrid & St Richard, Haywards Heath Canaanite Woman Matthew 15:21-28 7 August 2024

How do we get thinking people to believe and believing people to think? The Canaanite woman who argued profitably with Jesus in today’s Gospel (Matthew 15:21-28) was both educated and a believer. Often we don’t see the two together. A lot of education in our society seems to lack a spiritual component and a lot of religious people can have closed minds. Reason and faith are two wings of the Holy Spirit lifting us up to God who gave us minds and hearts.

‘Jesus answered her, ‘Woman, you have great faith. Let your wish be granted.’’ Matthew 15v28

How do we get thinking people to believe and believing people to think?

Our Lord praised the Canaanite woman for her thoughtful faith.

She got a hard run for her money. Few people in the Gospel get as hard a time as this lady. Think about the passage – at first Jesus doesn’t answer her request for her daughter at all. Then his disciples want him to send her away. Jesus goes so far as to tease her for being a Canaanite, thinking probably about his Jewish audience who in those days would have indeed wanted her sent away. 

The woman argues on for attention for her daughter with a word play on the term ‘dog’ which was and is an abusive term for outsiders. ‘Even house-dogs can eat the scraps that fall from their master’s table’ she says, imploring Jesus.

The Lord gives in and heals her daughter, exceptionally giving the reason for answering this woman’s request: it was on account of her great faith; her great confidence that Jesus would grant her request. 

There are a lot of questions you could raise about this Gospel passage but I want to look at the one I raised at the beginning which is really important in this day and age.

How do we get thinking people to believe and believing people to think?

The woman was both educated and a believer.  Often we don’t see the two together. A lot of education in our society seems to lack a spiritual component and a lot of religious people can have closed minds.

When Richard Dawkins wrote The God Delusion it divided Christians in my acquaintance. Some read it to engage with his criticism of religion. Others wrote it off without engagement. Most derided his arrogant tone forgetful that Christianity can come across as arrogant.

That goes against advice in the New Testament in 1 Peter 3v16 to give clear answer for our faith to anyone who asks us about it ‘with gentleness and reverence’.

Reason and faith are two wings of the Holy Spirit lifting us up to God for God gave us a mind and a heart.

This afternoon/evening let’s seek for ourselves the great faith of the Canaanite woman, an educated faith, one that holds to the reasoned faith of the church through the ages. This is expressed in the words of the Creed, the worship of the Sacraments, behaviour trained by the Commandments and prayer modelled on the Lord’s Prayer.

As priest, writer and broadcaster I’ve been engaged over the years in promoting thoughtful mainstream Christian belief. I want to leave you with the challenge to do something more, read something more, maybe seek more advice to help both building and thinking through your faith. Our own individual attempts to think through Christian faith are a precious enterprise which can  help fruitful engaging with those in our circle about the things of God.

How do we get thinking people to believe and believing people to think – we start with ourselves!

‘Woman, you have great faith. Let your wish be granted.’

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